European Robotic Access To Everybody
EU-RATE Project
EU-Rate is an european project which aims to promote robotics access to educational field, supported by Erasmus+
In a world where digital tools are increasingly part of our daily lives, educating children and young people in their use and understanding is the responsibility of educational actors.
Digital education, and education through digital technology, offers opportunities in terms of education, creativity and innovation, in addition to meeting a societal need.
The project we are presenting responds to the necessity of increasing young people’s interest and success in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, making them actors in their use and promoting innovative methods, through playful robotic teaching kits accessible to all.

EU-RATE goals
- Provide the means for teachers who wish to offer turnkey robotics activities at low cost.
- Make children and young people understand the making of information through action so that they become creative and responsible actors.
- Educate to computer science and raise awareness on algorithmic logic underlying all the tools we use, in order to take over power on machines, promote the mainstreaming of digital competence provision across the curricula.
- Foster critical thinking especially through teaching technology and science in line with the priorities of school education.
- Prepare children and young people to robotics challenges as RoboCup, which are great opportunities for learning in many fields (technology, mathematics, logic, English, project management…) and self-improvement.
- Make children and young people, especially girls, want to take an interest in engineering and digital professions.
EU-RATE Partners